Orange Lichens

On a recent trip to Warren, Minnesota for chainsaw parts I wandered off the beaten path a number of times to satisfy my curiosity for old buildings and other sites. I found this old building which once was a storage shed, hidden deep in the woods. Falling trees had crushed it and an old 1951 license plate confirmed it was at least 70 years old.


I have referred to it as orange lichen but there are a few different orange types. Note how the lichens are hardly started on the window patch which indicates it was added to the building more recently. The tree and the building have helped support each other for a long time.

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I think orange is the perfect color for a dying wooden building as it fits into the surrounding scenery tranquilly.  The color red or blue would be out of place. Further down the road I saw the same orange color on some grave stones in a cemetery

KODAK Digital Still CameraThis is one of the oldest grave markers in the cemetery so I am guessing it is well over a hundred years old. It certainly makes the rest of the grave markers look rather dull and boring.  Maybe it is mother natures way of directing attention to special people who have gone on before.

KODAK Digital Still Camera

I think the design is creative and shows some artistic talent. Painting the whole thing orange would ruin the effect. Perhaps in another hundred years it will look even more different.